Avoid high electricity prices without much hassle and upfront cost.
Let us manage your energy needs so you can focus on your business.
Get matched with the best-fit retail electricity supply deal based on your business' characteristics, needs, and goals.
Real-time access to your facility's energy consumption data and cost estimate.
We organize all your energy data and deliver easily downloadable reports for regulatory compliance and your internal reporting needs.
We utilize your energy data to further provide actionable cost-saving recommendations.
Answers to questions you might have about WizeWatt
WizeWatt is a digital energy manager that helps match your business with the best-fit retail electricity supply deal while providing you access to real-time energy data/insights and enabling you to easily generate energy consumption reports for compliance or internal use.
WizeWatt is ideal for qualified businesses in the Philippines that want to get the best electricity rates with little-to-no effort, resources, and investment required. WizeWatt will handle most of the work for you in the background so you can truly focus on your business.
Based on the Philippine government's policy (RA 9136 and RA 9513), your business is qualified for the competitive retail electricity market if your facility has a peak demand of at least 100kW. Alternatively, you can just click "JOIN WAITLIST" and provide your details so we can check it for you.
You will only pay us a percentage of the savings that we generate for you. Our success is directly tied to your success so we always make sure that you will have the best possible deals at the time.